#WFH Chronicles: Can I bake you a cake?

Even with the pressure and stress of this #WFH adventure, apparently some of us don’t have enough to do. Fortunately, there’s a world of stuff to learn out there. Read More

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McAnneny op-ed: State budget process must go on

Despite this high degree of uncertainty, lawmakers must proceed with the budget process. With less than nine weeks left in fiscal 2020, the July 1 start to the new fiscal year looms large, and there is no time to waste. Reports of a possible joint budget by the House and Senate though highly unusual would…

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S&P: Mass. cash cushion can absorb blow to revenues

How urgent is it that the Legislature pass the governor’s bill authorizing the Treasury to borrow money this fiscal year to cover pandemic-related shortfalls and pay it back by the end of the next fiscal year? That depends on whom you ask. Read More

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