Microlocation robotics could be Boston’s next big thing

Since 2014, Massachusetts’ robotics industry has been booming. And according to a new report from Fabric Media, powered by the New England Venture Capital Association, much of that boom can be attributed to one subsector: microlocation. Read More

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Desktop Metal to acquire 3D printing company for $300M

A decade older than Desktop Metal, EnvisionTEC sells more than 30 printer configurations that build objects from digital design files. In particular, over 1,000 of the firm’s 5,000 customers are in the dental industry, and uses the printers to produce splints, dental night guards and other orthodontic appliances. Read More

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Gov. Baker signs $626M economic development bill

Gov. Charlie Baker signed legislation spreading $626 million around the economy over the next five years and making it easier to build new housing, an area where Massachusetts has lagged behind other states. Read More

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