Opinion: How the pandemic is changing Big Pharma

Moderna has disrupted drug development the way Tesla upended automaking. But can Big Pharma learn from the lessons of the pandemic and adopt a platform more akin to software development than drug development? Read More

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Five things you need to know, and where to put your stuff

Good morning, Boston! Today may be a holiday for most of us, but that didn’t stop me from pulling together the Five Things You Need to Know Today in Boston business. Here is your abbreviated version, plus where (and when) to see a TV cameo by one of the BBJ’s very own. Read More

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GE shrank its U.S. workforce by 20%, new filing shows

The fast-declining headcount is an indication of just how much GE has changed in recent years, especially in the past half-decade as executives have sold off major parts of the sprawling conglomerate in an attempt to put the company on more stable financial footing. Read More

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