Startup fellowship looks to fill ‘funding chasm’ for underrepresented entrepreneurs

Founded in December 2020, Visible Hands is a 14-week program that provides funding, company-building services and an ecosystem of industry experts to people whose gender or racial identity is severely underrepresented in the tech industry. Visible Hands is working towards closing the funding gap, or as co-founder and general partner Yasmin Cruz Ferrine calls it,…

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Battle lines drawn in debate over app-based workers

Courts and lawmakers across the globe, as well as right here in Massachusetts, are now facing the question: Should gig workers be considered as contractors, as they mostly are today, or as employees? The answer goes to the heart of the business model on which the entire gig economy rests. Read More

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5 Minutes With … Bob Reynolds, CEO, Putnam Investments

A first-ever online event to honor Massachusetts front-line “heroes among us” is being held March 10, led by a Who’s Who of Boston business leaders. BBJ Editor Doug Banks spoke with Putnam CEO Bob Reynolds about the breakfast and how it came about. Read More

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