Lawmakers eye reforms to Health Policy Commission oversight

More than 10 years after the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission was established with the goal of reigning in excessive cost growth in the state’s health care industry, some lawmakers say it’s time to revisit the agency’s authority, filing bills that would broaden its regulatory power. Read More

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It’s time to pick the 2023 Inno Madness winner!

Over the course of several days of voting, each of the four remaining companies left in our bracket racked up more and more votes, and which was in the lead shifted constantly. All told, more than 9,000 votes were cast in the penultimate round. Read More

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The Red Sox take third, when it comes to spending per win

The Red Sox have had hit every high and low in the past five seasons: a World Series win and two last-place finishes. Those wins haven’t come cheap: the Sox are one of three teams to spend more than $1 million per win during that time, according to a Business Journal analysis. Read More

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